
William Roland Liebenberg, South-African mineralogist and metallurgist (Lichtenburg District 28 February 1919 – 1988)


The basal rocks of the Bushveld complex in the Marico District south of Dwarsberg. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Africa 45:81-108, 1942

Notes on the occurrence of a pleochroic variety of cassiterite from South Africa. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Africa 48:1-9, 1945

With L.H. Ahrens. Geochemical studies on some of the rarer elements in South African minerals and rocks. I. Lithium in mica and feldspar. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Africa 48:75, 1945

With L.H. Ahrens. Qualitative spectrochemical analysis of minerals and rocks. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Africa 49:133, 1946

Rare minerals in the Banket of the Witwatersrand system. Dissertation, Pretoria University (1948)

With L.H. Ahrens. Tin and indium in mica as determined spectrographically. Am. Miner. 35:571-8, 1950 

The occurrence and origin of gold and radioactive minerals in the Witwatersrand System, the Dominion reef, the Ventersdorp Contact Reef and the Black Reef. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, vol 58, 1955

A mineralogical approach to the development of the uranium extraction processes practiced on the Witwatersrand. J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metal. 21:153-208, 1956

The mode of occurrence and theory of origin of the uranium minerals and gold in the Witwatersrand ores. Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (1958) 

With R.J. Ortlepp. Mineralogical report on samples of ore from the Namib lead mine (1958)

On the origin of uranium, gold and osmiridium in the conglomerates of the Witwatersrand goldfields. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 94:831-67, 1960 

With A.J. Burger & L.O. Nicolaysen. Evidence for the extreme age of certain minerals from the Dominion Reef conglomerates and the underlying granite in the Western Transvaal. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 26:15-24, 1962

With H. Schweigart. Mineralogy and chemical behavior of some refractory gold ores from the Barberton Mountain Land. Report, National Inst. Metallurgy 8, 1966   

Mineralogical features of gold ores in South Africa (Gold metallurgy in South Africa). Chamber of Mines S. Africa (1972)


Liebenbergite de Waal & Calk 1973 (Mineral)